Make Logonstudio clone with

Note this is tutorial is by idealprogrammer if you want to copy please provide a link to the original tutorial or source thanks !

Do you want to create logonstudio 7 clone with ? well that’s easy In this tutorial i will show you how

So first we need to look at the way to change windows 7 login screen manually.

1. press win+r key and Type Regedit at run prompt

2. Locate following registry key


3. Now in right-side pane, change value of OEMBackground to 1.

4. Now place your custom image in %windir%\system32\oobe

5. Create a new folder info and background within newly created info folder

Folder path should look like this %windir%\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds

6. Now place your desired logon wallpaper within this background folder with file name as backgroundDefault.jpg

Images Name with resolutions


background768×1280.jpg (0.6)

background900×1440.jpg (0.625)

background960×1280.jpg (0.75)

background1024×1280.jpg (0.8)

background1280×1024.jpg (1.25)

background1024×768.jpg (1.33-)

background1280×960.jpg (1.33-)

background1600×1200.jpg (1.33-)

background1440×900.jpg (1.6)

background1920×1200.jpg (1.6)

background1280×768.jpg (1.66-)

background1360×768.jpg (1.770833-)

Please NOTE: Images must be less than 256kb in size

The backgroundDefault.jpg image is loaded and stretched-to-fit when a resolution/ratio specific background cannot be found.

Now let’s look how we can do this . SO first create a simple windows forms application. Give it the title “LogonStudio 7” and click on ok.

adjust the form properties as you want like color and text properties and then create 2 new buttons .

Change their text properties to “exit” and “change login screen”

Now double Click on exit button and write this code to close tha form


Now go to other button that we created and write this code . But before that go to first line of code window outside the form1 class and write
imports microsoft.win32

    Dim openfile As New OpenFileDialog
        openfile.Title = "browse iamge for login screen"
        openfile.Filter = "*.jpg jpeg file | *.jpg"
        If openfile.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background", "OEMBackground", "1")
            If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info") Then
                If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds") Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(openfile.FileName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds\backgroundDefault.jpg")
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds")
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(openfile.FileName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds\backgroundDefault.jpg")
                End If
                My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info")
                My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds")
                My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(openfile.FileName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir%2