What is a Server? Best-Rated Videos Tutorials

A server is “an application program that accepts connections in order to service requests by sending back responses.” A application can run on the same computer as the client application using it, or they can connect through a computer network.

Here are examples of various types of :

* Application server – a server dedicated to running certain software applications
* Communications server – carrier-grade computing platform for communications networks
* Database server – provides database services
* Proxy server – Provides database IT server in services
* Fax server – provides fax services for clients
* File server – provides file services
* Game server – a server that video game clients connect to in order to play online together
* Standalone server – an emulator for client-server (web-based) programs
* Web server – a server that HTTP clients connect to in order to send commands and receive responses along with data contents
* Client-server – a software architecture that separates “server” functions from “client” functions
* The X Server – part of the X Window System.
* Peer-to-peer – a network of computers running as both clients and servers.

Best Rated Videos on Servers

Videos of the Week (Vol 4) – Web Servers

Harvard Extension School

6 minutes

Hosting Servers on the Internet

4 Minutes

How to set up a game server, a file server, a print server, a web server, or an Internet voice server so that others can access it from the Internet. References other resources from www.AskMisterWizard.com that viewers will find helpful. Discusses Static IP address, Dynamic IP address, Port Forwarding, Dynamic DNS, NAT Router as a hardware firewall, and Internet Connection Sharing.