Visual Studio Express 2005 Video Tutorial – Part 4 – Adding Text-To-Speech (TTS)

In this tutorial, we learn how to add speech to a application. You can download the source code for this project by clicking on this link: Text-To-Speech

Once you have downloaded the source code, you need to open Visual Basic Express 2005 and clicking on File/Open Project. Then, navigate to where you downloaded the source and click on the file that has the .sln (solution) extension.

Three steps are important in using speech in a VB application:

1. Add a reference to Microsoft Speech Object by going to Project/Add Reference/Com tab

2. Add the Imports SpeechLib statement at the top of the module that will be using the speech.

3. Create a new SpVoice object and call Voice() to read the text.

If you have any problems locating the Microsoft Speech object, you may need to download Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1

To download Visual Basic 2005 Express, please click here:

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