Wrap SQL in Quotes for C-Sharp Tool

WrapSQLInQuotesForCS wraps T-SQL in quotes so you can easily put it in C-Sharp code. When you run the application, it opens notepad. You paste your raw sql into notepad and save it. When you click okay on the dialog popup, it wraps your sql in quotes so that you can easily paste it into your C-Sharp project. Steps to use: 1. Get Latest source for WrapSQLInQuotesForCS at https://github.com/harvey007y/WrapSQLInQuotesForCS 2. Build and... [Read More...]

Free C# Open Source Alternative to EditPlus – FindTextInFiles

FindTextInFiles is a simple, free, open source C# alternative to EditPlus. FindTextInFiles uses parallel processing to quickly search all files in all folders and subfolders of the specified folder. It allows you to exclude certain file types, and also lets you specify regular expressions in doing the search. The results are displayed in Notepad++ Here is a quick three-minute video on how to use FindTextInFiles: Steps to use: 1. Get Latest... [Read More...]

Alternative to SQL Profiler – IdealSqlTracer is Simple, Free, and Open Source

IdealSqlTracer is a simple, free, open source alternative to SQL Profiler. The advantage of IdealSqlTracer is that it takes all of the sql generated behind the scenes in a desktop application or web page, and it formats it to make it easily readable. IdealSqlTracer takes this beautifully formatted sql, and puts it into notepad. This allows you to easily cut-n-paste the sql in notepad, and run it directly in Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS). The... [Read More...]
