SQL Server 2005 Express Tutorial: (13 Videos) Database mirroring, backup sql server 2005, sql server 2005 replication, sql server standard edition, download sql server 2005, compare sql server, sql server instance

Excellent SQL Server 2005 Express series of 13 free videos from Bob Tabor at LearnVisualStudio.Net. Here are just a few of the topics in this series: database mirroring, backup sql server 2005, sql server 2005 replication, sql server standard edition, download sql server 2005, compare sql server, sql server instance The best hosting company that I have found for .NET applications is Discountasp.net. Discountasp.net provides many SQL tools that make... [Read More...]

SQL Server 2005 Video Tutorial – 1 – Installing

This programming video tutorial series will show will show you how to install SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server provides you with a “window” to connect to your databases. You use the “SQL (Structured Query Language) Language” to reach through the window to “touch” and “manipulate” the databases. The express version of SQL Server is totally free. It allows you create... [Read More...]

What is DB2? History, Editions, and Video Illustrations

by: Wade Harvey Historical Background DB2 is a relational database management system produced by IBM that IBM refers to as a “data server.” What is a relational database? A relational database is a set of files that has been analyzed for all of the relationships between fields. The related fields are pulled out of the original files in order to minimize redundancy in the data being stored. For example, instead of storing the information... [Read More...]

What is Oracle? A Visual Definition

By: Wade Harvey Historical Origins In 1977, Larry Ellison and two of his friends, Bob Miner and Ed Oates, began a company named Software Development Laboratories, and they developed the original Oracle DBMS (Database Management System). They named the product Oracle after a code name project that they had worked on at a company called Ampex. In 1979, Software Development Laboratories was renamed to Relational Software Inc (RSI), and the... [Read More...]

What is MySQL? A Visual Definition

By: Wade Harvey MySQL (pronounced “My Ess Que Ell”) is an RDBMS (relational database) that is used in many web applications today. MySQL was originally developed in 1994 by a Swedish consulting firm named TeX. The principal developer was Michael Widenius. He was seeking a database that could be fast, even at the expense of omitting many features that are included in other relational databases. The name of the company is now called... [Read More...]

What is SQL?

By: John L What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the lingua franca in the database world. SQL is a standard that is used by all database vendors and programmers to define, extract and access the information that is stored in databases. SQL began life as an IBM creation but was standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as ANSI/ISO SQL in 1988.... [Read More...]

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