Movefilex function

In this article i will tell you about movefilex function and it’s uses So let’s start with what is movefileex function ? Well it justs Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. But you might think hey what the hell ? when we have .net framework why do we need this api ? well the answer is sometimes you might need to move a file which is different from normal files like files which are in use . well in this case you... [Read More...] downloader

You can create a very cool application using that is a downloader to download any file/video etc . In this video at you can see how you can create a downloader program in with progress bar that shows the downloading process. If you have any suggestions and comments use idealprogrammer forums Watch the video here > That video is very basic... [Read More...] text to speech

If you want to make a cool application in which can speak the text have a look at this video – Dont worry the codes in this program is very simple . only 2 lines of code but it’s uses are vast. If you have got any comments and suggestions use idealprogrammer forums  Read More →

Make a media player in

You’ll want to start by creating a new VB Windows Forms Application. Once you do, and you have the default form layout, go ahead an start customizing your form. What I did was I dragged out 2 Picture Boxes, and a Menu Strip. For the picture boxes, its pretty easy. Just find a picture on Google Images for something that resembles Music and one that resembles Video, then set that as the picture in the picture box. Here is what my setup turned... [Read More...]

Maths and programming

Well This may sound little bit silly but cartesian plane which we need to be good at cartesian plane to learn some good programming Yes i know you might be wondering we learned this when we were 13-14 in mathematics but why do we need to learn it for programming ? Well the answer is the cartesian plane is also widely used in programming take example for instance for drawing a line we need to tell x and y cordinates dont we have to ? And another... [Read More...]

Free visual studio 2010 ebook

Microsoft Press has released a free book titled Moving To Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and is available to download now. This free e-book written by Patrice Pelland, Pascal ParĂ©, and Ken Haines is an ultimate resource for developers who have switched to the latest version of Visual Studio According to the authors, this 336 page book will help professional developers who are working with previous versions of Visual Studio and are looking to make the... [Read More...]

Build a bluetooth Chat Application

Bluetooth is one of today’s most exciting technologies. It is a short-range radio wave wireless technology operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency spectrum. With an operating range of 30 feet (10 meters) and a maximum transmission rate of a mere 1Mbps, Bluetooth is widely touted as the “cable replacement” solution. Bluetooth has been around for awhile but there seem to be few developers who have experience in building applications that... [Read More...] webcam integration

One of the nice things about these older Logitech Webcams is that they don’t require a driver download and they support Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) directly. WIA is an API included in Windows that aims to unify the acquisition of images from all kinds of devices, including scanners and cameras. This is a pretty low-level API and a bit of a hassle to us. However, after Windows XP SP1 the WIA Automation Layer was released with a simpler COM... [Read More...] screen capture

Do you want to make a app that can capture screenshots ? Well you can do that easily with If you have any suggestions or comments on this tutorial please visit idealprogrammer forums ! This is the code you will need to capture screenshots using It uses gdi classes and some more classes. Thanks to mike gold of vbdotnetheaven Private Sub PerformCapture() ‘ turn the form invisible so you don’t show it during capture Me.Visible... [Read More...]

Update Resources of dll,exe files

Do You want to update the resources which are present inside pe files (.exe,.dll and others) . Well you can use Window’s Beginupdateresource, Updateresource and Endupdateresource function which can do this task easily. Things you need to know The path of the file whose resources you are updating The language of resource (like english french etc which are represented by a number like 1033 stands for english) The name of the resource (Keep... [Read More...]

.NET Framework MasterClass Videos

.NET Framework Versions by Soumyasch Here is a collection of 8 video tutorials on some of the new components in .NET Framework versions 3.0 and 3.5. The presenter is Microsoft’s Mike Benkovich. The videos focus on LINQ and WCF. Version 3.5 of the .NET Framework was released on November 19, 2007. Version 3.5 uses version 2.0 of the CLR, and it installs numerous service packs on top of the CLR. New Features of NET 3.5 Framework New language... [Read More...]

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