jquery slider

In This tutorial we are going to learn how to make a cool looking slide effect using jQuery that will really make our images pop. The Live Demo Click HERE to see the full working demo. October 20th, 2010 in JQuery Tutorials by Lee Grant jQuery Slide Effect2 Votes, Rating: 5.00 Loading …0diggs digg4 Share About The Author: Lee GrantLee has a passion for all things design and web related and spends his days working as a full time web developer... [Read More...]

Update : Idealprogrammer forums

We are upgrading idealprogrammer forums so please be patient . Please check back the idealprogrammer forums to see the new look and features. If you want to suggest something please contact us email : saurabhorange@msn.com or harvey007@sbcglobal.net  Read More →

css advanced selectors

Combinators The advanced combinators allow you to define styles that are based on a more complex rule that will be applied to more specific elements. Originally, it was possible to get to descendant-elements through contextual styles. For instance: p em {font-size: larger; } This rule will affect all em elements inside paragraphs. This is very useful, but also relatively simplistic. Combinators allow you to state the required relationship between... [Read More...]

Tips for programmers

I have started this article for some tips for programmer . Note: This article is anyone who is using any programming language #Tip-1 If you are a programmer then many times you will face majour problems and bugs in your applications like access is denied , the file is being used, you dont have permissions to do this task,abc.dll is required to work your program and things related to security which block your program. In these cases dont give up go... [Read More...]

Movefilex function

In this article i will tell you about movefilex function and it’s uses So let’s start with what is movefileex function ? Well it justs Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. But you might think hey what the hell ? when we have .net framework why do we need this api ? well the answer is sometimes you might need to move a file which is different from normal files like files which are in use . well in this case you... [Read More...]

what is fixed positioning in css ?

Fixed positioning in css is very easy to learn and much helpful. So what is actually fixed positioning Well you may have noticed that mosft often footer are seen at the bottom of the page . But if they are positioned using fixed positioning they will be in that position no matter you scroll or not . They will be at the same position as you mentioned . So is fixed positioning good ? Yes why not ? it can help us in many situtations and footers are... [Read More...]

Make Logonstudio clone with vb.net

Note this is tutorial is by idealprogrammer if you want to copy please provide a link to the original tutorial or source thanks ! Do you want to create logonstudio 7 clone with vb.net ? well that’s easy In this tutorial i will show you how So first we need to look at the way to change windows 7 login screen manually. 1. press win+r key and Type Regedit at run prompt 2. Locate following registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background 3.... [Read More...]

Understanding anchors in html

How to navigate to areas on the same page only ? Named Anchors – or how to jump within one and the same page The feature “Named Anchors” can be used to jump around within one and the same page (file) just like you’re used to do with regular links. Using the one can jump to these anchors. How to use Named Anchors A life example can be found on several pages on WeetHet. Maybe you can recall page overviews, where you can click... [Read More...]

Disable copy with javascript

Thanks to about.com for this great article. Original article link – http://javascript.about.com/library/blnoright.htm Web novices often believe that by blocking their visitors use of the right mouse button that they can prevent the theft of their web page content. Nothing could be further from the truth as there are so many ways to bypass the “no right click script” that the only effects that such a script has is to annoy those... [Read More...]

Maths and programming

Well This may sound little bit silly but cartesian plane which we need to be good at cartesian plane to learn some good programming Yes i know you might be wondering we learned this when we were 13-14 in mathematics but why do we need to learn it for programming ? Well the answer is the cartesian plane is also widely used in programming take vb.net example for instance for drawing a line we need to tell x and y cordinates dont we have to ? And another... [Read More...]

Absolute and Relative path for beginners

When you're creating links to documents and images on the Web, you need to think about how you're going to link to them. There are two standard ways to create links: •absolute paths •relative paths Absolute Path URLs Absolute paths are called that because they refer to the very specific location, including the domain name. The absolute path to a Web element is also often referred to as the URL. For example, the absolute path to this... [Read More...]

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