SEO Tips For People Who Aren’t Dummies!

by: Philip Lim SEO Tips For People Who Aren’t Dummies! TIP ONE: THE IMPORTANCE OF KEY WORDS In the world of marketing online, one topic comes up over and over with great frequency: site rankings. It can sometimes seem to be the ‘holy grail’ in the highly competitive world of online marketing, where search engines rule supreme. The reality is that unless you have deep pockets indeed, SEO optimization in the long run will be more... [Read More...]

Doorway Pages by Any Other Name

by: Dave Czach I would have thought that the subject of Doorway Pages (Entry Pages, Gateway Pages, etc.) had been exhaustively explored by now, but we tend to forget that there are new users coming on the internet daily, and there hasn’t been much coverage on the topic recently.�� There are many design and development tools (free or otherwise) available for the new webmaster, so almost anyone can build a website, but they face the... [Read More...]

What is the difference between Unix and NT systems ?

by: Kate Smalley Shared or virtual hosting is usually available in two varieties: UNIX and NT. What is the difference between hosting on these operating systems? NT servers are designed to accommodate advanced Microsoft applications. NT servers therefore integrate back office offerings such as FrontPage, Access and MS SQL with basic Web services. NT servers also offer specific programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic... [Read More...]

Web Promotion

by: admin123 Web promotion can be considered as a continuing process for promoting a website to bring more visitors. Techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO) web content development and search engine submission are used to increase traffic to any website. Basic web promotion starts with the optimization of the web pages, building of in-bound links or writing an article or press release. Once it is done you can promote your website at... [Read More...]

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