Column Alias – SQL Server Syntax Example: Column Alias – T-SQL Example
Column Alias – SQL Server Syntax Example: Column Alias – T-SQL Example
Purpose: – Illustrates the SQL Server syntax for the column alias options.
[TOP ( expression ) [PERCENT] [ WITH TIES ] ]
column1 AS displayname1, displayname2 = column_name2, column_name3 displayname3
[ INTO new_table ]
[ FROM { table_source } [ ,…n ] ]
[ WHERE search_condition AND search_condition ]
[ HAVING search_condition ]
Column Alias allows you to change column headings and also allows
you to group several columns into one.
There are three ways to do this:
1. AS column_name AS new_column_header
2. new_column_header = column_name or expression
3. column_name new_column_header
-- COLUMN ALIAS example from -- PURPOSE: Column Alias allows you to change column headings and also allows -- you to group several columns into one. -- There are three ways to do this: -- 1. AS column_name AS new_column_header -- 2. new_column_header = column_name or expression -- 3. column_name new_column_header -- SYNTAX: SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] -- [TOP ( expression ) [PERCENT] [ WITH TIES ] ] -- < column1 AS displayname1, displayname2 = column_name2, column_name3 displayname3 > -- [ INTO new_table ] -- [ FROM { table_source } [ ,...n ] ] -- [ WHERE search_condition AND search_condition ] -- [ GROUP BY ] -- [ HAVING search_condition ] CREATE TABLE people( ID int, firstname varchar (20), lastname varchar (20), statecode varchar (2), alive bit, height int ) GO INSERT INTO people (ID, firstname, lastname, statecode, alive, height) VALUES (1, 'Paul', 'Revere', 'AL', 0, 72) GO INSERT INTO people (ID, firstname, lastname, statecode, alive, height) VALUES (2, 'John', 'Lennon', 'NY', 0, 69) GO INSERT INTO people (ID, firstname, lastname, statecode, alive, height) VALUES (3, 'Steve', 'Martin', 'GA', 1, 75) GO INSERT INTO people (ID, firstname, lastname, statecode, alive, height) VALUES (4, 'George', 'Washington', 'MA', 0, 65) GO --Show entire table SELECT * FROM people; GO -- Using AS to combine columns and to change column headings -- Brackets and single quotes can be used when column heading contains spaces SELECT firstname + ' ' + lastname AS [full name], height 'Height Inches', state = statecode FROM people; GO drop table people; GO |