VB.NET Array: One Dimensional Example – Code Sample Syntax

VB.NET ArrayOneDimensional Example – Code Sample Syntax

Abstract: – Illustrates using .



 *** 1. Download Source Code *** 

VB.NET Syntax DataStructures ArrayOneDimensional download Download Source Code for All VB Console Examples in One Project


 *** 2. ArrayOneDimensional Syntax *** 

Creates one dimensional array

arrayname(upperbound) As type

Parameters Description
upperbound specifies number of elements in array
Arrays are zero based so there is one more element
than the upperbound specifies

Result Data Type Description
array contains a set of elements

arrayname() As type
ReDim [Preserve] arrayname(upperbound)

Parameters Description
Preserve optional – specifies that existing data
in array is to be kept
upperbound specifies number of elements in array
Arrays are zero based so there is one more element
than the upperbound specifies

Result Data Type Description
array initial array is set to nothing and then
the ReDim is used to specify size.

 *** 3. ArrayOneDimensional – Quick Example *** 

Dim aryIntegers(9) as Integer
Dim aryStrings() As String ‘size not specified so ReDim is needed
Dim aryObjects(2) As myBook ‘array of book objects



 *** 4. ArrayOneDimensional – Full Example *** 

ArrayOneDimensional Example Output Screenshot

VB.NET Syntax DataStructures ArrayOneDimensional screenshot

Step 1: Click Visual Basic to Cut-n-paste code into clsArrayOneDimensional.vb

Public Class clsArrayOneDimensional
    Public Sub Main()
        ' Purpose: Creates one dimensional array
        ' Syntax: 	arrayname(upperbound) As type
        ' Parameter1: upperbound - specifies number of elements in array
        ' Arrays are zero based so there is one more element 
        '  than the upperbound specifies
        ' Result: array - contains a set of elements
        ' Syntax2: 	arrayname() As type
        ' ReDim [Preserve] arrayname(upperbound) 
        ' Parameter1: Preserve - optional - specifies that existing data 
        ' in array is to be kept
        ' Parameter2: upperbound - specifies number of elements in array
        ' Arrays are zero based so there is one more element
        '  than the upperbound specifies
        ' Result: array - initial array is set to nothing and then
        ' the ReDim is used to specify size.
        ' Quick Example: Dim aryIntegers(9) as Integer
        ' Dim aryStrings() As String 'size not specified so ReDim is needed
        ' Dim aryObjects(2) As myBook 'array of book objects
        ' This example is from http://idealprogrammer.com
        Console.WriteLine("Example #1: Dim aryIntegers(9) as Integer")
        Dim aryIntegers(9) As Integer
        Dim intCtr As Integer = 0
        'assign values to each element of array
        For intCtr = 0 To 9
            aryIntegers(intCtr) = intCtr
        ' find average value of elements in array
        Dim intAvg As Integer = 0
        Dim intElement As Integer = 0
        Dim intSum As Integer = 0
        Dim intCount As Integer = 0
        For Each intElement In aryIntegers
            intSum = intElement + intSum
            intCount = intCount + 1
        intAvg = intSum / intCount
        Console.WriteLine(intAvg.ToString()) ' Returns 4
        'write blank line to make output easier to read
        Console.WriteLine("Example #2: 	Dim aryStrings() As String - size is not specified at first")
        Dim aryStrings() As String
        'do something like read a file to determine length of table
        ReDim aryStrings(2)
        'assign values to elements
        aryStrings(0) = "First"
        aryStrings(1) = "Second"
        aryStrings(2) = "Third"
        ' you decide you want to add another element
        ReDim Preserve aryStrings(3)
        aryStrings(3) = "Forth"
        For Each strElement As String In aryStrings
            Console.WriteLine(strElement) ' Returns the array one element at a time
        'write blank line to make output easier to read
        Console.WriteLine("Example #3: 	Dim aryObject() As myBook - array of class objects")
        Dim aryObjects(2) As myBook
        'assign values to elements
        Dim oBook1 As New myBook
        oBook1.Author = "Plato"
        oBook1.Title = "Republic"
        aryObjects(0) = oBook1
        Dim oBook2 As New myBook
        oBook2.Author = "Aristotle"
        oBook2.Title = "Ethics"
        aryObjects(1) = oBook2
        Dim oBook3 As New myBook
        oBook3.Author = "Locke"
        oBook3.Title = "Essay Concerning Human Understanding"
        aryObjects(2) = oBook3
        For Each objElement As myBook In aryObjects
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", objElement.Author, objElement.Title)) ' Returns the array one element at a time
        'Prevent console from closing before you press enter
    End Sub
End Class
Friend Class myBook
    Private _author As String
    Public Property Author() As String
            Return _author
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _author = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _title As String
    Public Property Title() As String
            Return _title
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _title = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Step 2: Click Visual Basic to Cut-n-paste code into Module1.vb

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim myclsArrayOneDimensional As New clsArrayOneDimensional
    End Sub
End Module


  1. Install Visual Basic (Express or Standard Edition)
  2. Install SQL Server Express
  3. Download Northwind and pubs Database
  4. Attach Northwind Database to Databases in Sql Express
  5. Attach pubs Database to Databases in Sql Express


  • Console Application is used to simplify things, but Windows Forms or Web Forms could also be used
  • You can build a library of syntax examples by using same project over and over and just commenting out what you do not want to execute in Module1.vb

VB.NET Syntax DataStructures ArrayOneDimensional

  1. Use Visual Basic 2010 Express or Standard Edition
  2. Create new project;
    • Click File/New Project
    • Select Console Application Template
    • Select Visual Basic for Language
    • name of project could be VBNET_Syntax.
  3. Add New folder named “DataStructures”
    • Right-click project name in solution explorer;
    • add new folder;
    • name of folder could be: DataStructures
  4. Add Class Named clsArrayOneDimensional to DataStructures folder
    • Right-click DataStructures folder;
    • add new item;
    • Select class
    • Class name could be clsArrayOneDimensional
  5. Click on Visual Basic in code in step 1 above to copy code into clsArrayOneDimensional.vb
  6. Click on Visual Basic in code in step 2 above to copy code into Module1.vb
  7. Click green arrow or press F5 to run program