ASP.NET How to Use Cookies

Cookies Description

Cookies are tiny files that are created on your computer or in your browser browser memory (if temporary). Cookies give you a way to store information across multiple http requests and responses or even sessions. Cookies store information in plain text format. Here is a good article on cookies: Beginner’s Guide to ASP.NET Cookies


Click on Copy Code to Cut-n-paste code

 HttpCookie _userInfoCookies;
 _userInfoCookies = Request.Cookies["GWcookie"];
 if (_userInfoCookies != null) {
    strOotid = _userInfoCookies["Ootid"];

Set Cookie:

Click on Copy Code to Cut-n-paste code

HttpCookie _userInfoCookies;
//Creating a Cookie Object
_userInfoCookies = new HttpCookie("GWcookie");
//Setting values inside it
_userInfoCookies["LanguageCode"] = myLanguage;
//Adding Expire Time of cookies
_userInfoCookies.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);

Location of cookies:
