C-Sharp Console Math Function Examples
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C-Sharp Console Math Function Examples
Purpose: – Illustrates Math Function Examples for C-Sharp Console Applications.
C-Sharp Console Math Function Examples
Math Functions | Input Expression & Purpose | Result |
Abs(expression) | Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, Single – absolute value is returned | Data Type of Input |
Acos(double) | Double – takes a cosine as double data type number and returns a double value that represents the angle in radians | Double Data Type |
Asin(double) | Double – takes a double data type number that represents a sine and returns a double value that represents the angle of that sine when measured in radians. | Double Data Type |
Atan(double) | Double – converts a tangent to radians of an angle. The function takes a double data type number and returns a double value that repesents the radians of the angle for that tangent. | Double Data Type |
Atan2(y as double, x as double) | Double – y is the y coordinate of a point; Double – x is the x coordinate of a point; This function takes 2 double data type numbers and returns a double value containing the angle (measured in radians) whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers | Double Data Type |
BigMul(int1 as Int32, int2 as Int32) | Int32 – int1; Int32 – int2; This function takes 2 32-bit integer numbers and returns their full product as a 64-bit integer | Int64 Data Type |
Ceiling(decimalnumber) or Ceiling(doublenumber) | Decimal or Double – This function takes a decimal or double number and returns a value that represents the next equal or higher whole number. | Data Type of Input |
Cos(doublenumber) | Double – This function converts an angle measured in radians to a cosine. | Double Data Type |
Cosh(doublenumber) | Double – This function takes an angle specified in radians and returns the hyperbolic cosine for the angle as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
DivRem(dividend32, divisor32, byRef remainder32) or DivRem(dividend64, divisor64, byRef remainder64) | dividend32, divisor32, byRef remainder32 or dividend64, divisor64, byRef remainder64 – This function takes an dividend, divisor, and remainder as Int32 or Int64 and returns quotient as same data type. Remainder is passed by reference and it gets updated with the remainder when the function executes. | Int32 Or Int64 |
Exp(doublenumber) | doublenumber – This function takes a double data type number and returns a double value containing e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power. | Double Data Type |
Floor(decimalnumber) or Floor(doublenumber) | decimalnumber or doublenumber – This function takes a decimal or double number and returns a value that represents the next equal or lower whole number. | Data Type of Input |
IEEERemainder(dividend as double, divisor as double) | dividend as double, divisor as double – This function takes an dividend and divisor as double data type and returns the remainder as double data type. | Double Data Type |
Log(doublenumber) | Double – This function takes a double data type number and returns the natural (base e) logarithm as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
Log10(doublenumber) | Double – This function takes a double data type number and returns the base 10 logarithm as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
Max(byte,byte) Max(decimal, decimal) Max(double, double) Max(int16, int16) Max(int32, int32) Max(int64, int64) Max(sbyte, sbyte) Max(single, single) Max(UInt16, UInt16) Max(UInt32, UInt32) Max(UInt64, UInt64) |
expression – This function returns the Max value of the two parameters that were passed in. | Data Type of Input |
Min(byte,byte) Min(decimal, decimal) Min(double, double) Min(int16, int16) Min(int32, int32) Min(int64, int64) Min(sbyte, sbyte) Min(single, single) Min(UInt16, UInt16) Min(UInt32, UInt32) Min(UInt64, UInt64) |
expression – This function returns the min value of the two parameters that were passed in. | Data Type of Input |
Pow(doublenumberbase, doublenumberpower) | Double – This function takes two double data type numbers and raises the first number to the power of the second. The result is returned as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
1. Round(decimal) 2. Round(decimal, int32) 3. Round(decimal, mode) 4. Round(decimal, int32, mode) 5. Round(double) 6. Round(double, int32) 7. Round(double, mode) 8. Round(double, int32, mode) |
various inputs – takes a decimal or double as input parameter1 and returns the number rounded to the specified number of fractional decimals. If parameter 2 is not used, result is rounded to whole number. Parameter3 specifies rounding mode. | Decimal or Double |
1. Sign(decimal) 2. Sign(double) 3. Sign(int16) 4. Sign(int32) 5. Sign(int64) 6. Sign(SByte) 7. Sign(Single) |
Various inputs – This function returns an integer indicating the sign of the input parameter. The result is -1 if the input parameter is less than one; 0 if the input is zero; and 1 if the input is > 0 | Data Type of Input |
Sin(doublenumber) | Double – This function converts an angle measured in radians to a Sine. | Double Data Type |
Sinh(doublenumber) | Double – This function takes an angle specified in radians and returns the hyperbolic sine for the angle as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
Sqrt(doublenumber) | Double – This function takes number as a double data type and returns the square root as a double data type. | Double Data Type |
Tan(doublenumber) | Double – This function converts an angle measured in radians to a tangent. | Double Data Type |
Tanh(doublenumber) | Double – This function converts an angle measured in radians to a hyperbolic tangent. | Double Data Type |
1. Truncate(decimal) 2. Truncate(double) |
Decimal or Double – This function takes a decimal or double as input parameter1 and returns the number truncated without the fractional decimals. | Decimal or Double |