Azure Services Platform For Developers- (5 Hours of FREE Video Tutorials)

Here is a collection of 5 hours of free tutorials on for Developers. This video series is from the website, and it is presented by Nancy Strickland and Bill Lodin.

Azure Services Platform is an application platform in the cloud that makes it possible for applications to be hosted and run at Microsoft datacenters. It consists of a cloud operating system called that serves as a runtime for the applications and provides a set of services that allows development, management and hosting of managed applications off-premises. All Azure Services and applications built using them run on top of Windows Azure.

The hosting environment of Windows Azure is called the Fabric Controller. The Fabric Controller pools individual systems into a network that automatically manages resources, load balancing, geo-replication and application lifecycle without needing the hosted applications to handle those requirements. The Fabric Controller also provides other services that most applications require — such as the Windows Azure Storage Service that provides applications with the capability to store unstructured data such as binary large objects, queues and non-relational tables.

Azure Services Platform gives you an API built on REST, HTTP and XML. This API makes it possible for a developer to interact with the services provided by Windows Azure. A client-side managed class library is also included that encapsulates the functions of interacting with the services. The API also works with Microsoft Visual Studio so that it can be used as the IDE to develop and publish Azure-hosted applications.

The Azure Services platform includes five services:

  • Live Services
  • SQL Services
  • .NET Services
  • SharePoint Services
  • Dynamics CRM Services

Developers can use these services to build the applications that will run in the cloud. A client library and tools are also provided for developing cloud applications in Visual Studio. Scaling and reliability are controlled by the Windows Azure Fabric Controller so the services and environment don’t crash if one of the servers crash within the Microsoft datacenter and provides the management of the user’s web application like memory resources and load balancing.

Azure Services For Developers

Series Title Date Presenter Min
Azure Services for Developers Azure Services for Developers: Fundamentals 11/13/2008 Bill Lodin 60
Azure Services for Developers Azure Services for Developers: Developing a Windows Azure Application 11/17/2008 Bill Lodin 60
Azure Services for Developers Azure Services for Developers: .NET Services 11/21/2008 Bill Lodin 60
Azure Services for Developers Azure Services for Developers: Microsoft SQL Data Services 11/21/2008 Nancy Strickland 60
Azure Services for Developers Azure Services for Developers: Live Framework Services 12/18/2008 Bill Lodin 60
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