Game Programming Sudoko using WPF: (5 Videos) Game Programming Suduko wpf, game development software, Video Game Programming, Electronic Sudoku

Samurai Sudoku Puzzle,game programming suduko wpf, game development software, video game programming, electronic sudokuThis is a 5-part webcast series on using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) presented by Lucas Magder. Visual Studio’s WPF provides you with excellent .

Topics covered in this series include: Game Programming Suduko wpf, game development software, Video Game Programming, Electronic Sudoku, and more

Be sure to check out the other video series on .
Creative Commons License photo credit: wampyrii


Game Programming Sudoku using WPF


1. Introduction
Key Concepts:

In Part 1 of this webcast series, you have the opportunity to put together the basic user interface design for the game and learn the fundamentals of Windows Presentation Foundation.

May 2, 2006 60 minutes

2. Creating Classes, Bind User Interface, Custom Controls
Key Concepts:

In Part 2 of this webcast series, you get to practice creating the Sudoku game classes and binding the user interface to the game logic through a custom control.

May 4, 2006 60 minutes

3. Enhancing User Interface
Key Concepts:

In Part 3 of this webcast series, you learn how to make your Sudoku game look cool by adding features such as animation, skinning, and user interface effects.

May 8, 2006 60 minutes

4. Complex Custom Controls and Problem-Solving Algorithms
Key Concepts:

In Part 4 of this webcast series, you get experience with creating more complex custom controls for your Sudoku game. We also show you how to build a security-conscious plug-in system to implement various Sudoku-solving algorithms.

May 10, 2006 60 minutes

5. Comparing AIs
Key Concepts:

In Part 5 of this webcast series, you learn how to build an interface for your Sudoku game to load and benchmark multiple AIs, as well as a custom graphing component that compares the AIs.

May 12, 2006 60 minutes